Pricing flights to Melbourne at the end of the month. About $200 return (Friday-Monday). Is there a trick to getting them any cheaper?
@toastman Ha, that’s when we’re going! Just visiting @eileenDCoE and getting out of Sydney for a change. ๐
@that_alison @bellsknits You’ll have to pry my big TV from my cold, dead, beer-drinkin’ hands…
@bellsknits @that_alison Mr Darcy on a big TV is nice, but hot Viking vampires are even better.
@mrs_sockvictim Rodd and I both have viral infection. Doc is making us cancel Bay Run this weekend. ๐
@goshling Ooh, that might be fun! We’re staying with a fellow MeFite too: @eileenDCoE!
@mathowie And yet some of our stupid local politicians want to rip them up because they leave less room for cars. *sigh*
@eileenDCoE @goshling I fear the Melbourne meetup may pale in comparison to tomorrow’s in Sydney… WITH MATHOWIE. (I know, right?!)
@hexsteph I use “Toodledo” (work, home, iPhone) and I love it.
@witty_knitter Say hi to Cate for us! ๐
Feels like Spring today! It prompted me to bare my pale legs in a skirt… and 10 min later a nutter has started chatting to me on the bus.