Caffeinating before the drive back to Melbs. (@ Blue Bay Cafe)
I told you it was windy. @ Cape Schanck Lighthouse
Beer o’clock in Fitzroy. (@ Little Creatures Dining Hall) [pic]:
Indulging our inner hipsters in Fitzroy.
A lovely Japanese striped cotton fell in my bag. (@ The Fabric Store)
Turns out I like Fitzroy a whole lot more on a Monday afternoon than on a Friday night!
@mrs_sockvictim Wow!
Heading home after our best trip down south yet… (@ Melbourne Airport (MEL) w/ 7 others)
Foodie celeb-spotting! Just stood next to Mark Best in the taxi queue. (@ Taxi Rank (T2 Multi-User Domestic))
@eileenDCoE Thanks RT! Best trip to Melbs yet. Thank you for hosting us!
@eileenDCoE Haha, also just realised I overpaid you for lighthouse. This ensures you will come to Sydney and buy me dinner! My clever plan!!
Safe and sound, back at home. Cats didn’t starve. In fact, it looks like they actually missed us!
Thanks to @mrs_sockvictim and the S.V. for checking on the little bastards for us!
RT @kdelarue: @web_goddess One for you: RT @DeanVipond, @amybumps Aged 7 I sent Roald Dahl a dream in a bottle I’d made.He wrote back ht …