Shared today on Twitter

Fun! Just discovered that James Mathison goes to Spudds Gym too. Passed him as I was leaving…

@knitterjp Ooh Ooh! Thanks for the tip. Opening when?

Drinks with Kev and Zagbot. (@ East Sydney Hotel)

@Anthony_Mills Commiseration. Snooky told me flatout 4 years ago that he wasn’t moving again unless it was to a place we owned.

@codepo8 Yes, my inside source tells me the internal IRC channel was having much merriment with the news today… 🙂

@toastman Relax! Rodos wasn’t with me. I didn’t cross any streams.

@drkknits @kunaal84 He got to do some punching at lunchtime. I think that helped. But I probably should’ve bought him a cookie too…

@stufromoz @bendurbubble @redambition Yes! Buy some of @gusseting’s RIGHT NOW: (Otherwise, check out Spinners Guild site.)

RT @knitabulous: Very excited about sewjourn in november..

It’s called POP, not SODA. So brilliant, I will overlook that a Michigander designed it.

@kunaal84 Have a great trip!