Finally seeing HP:7! ($18 a ticket is RIDICULOUS.) (@ Hoyts)
@misswired I like him too. He’s our Dickens.
@damjanov Looks like a Viewmaster slide, you know? Heightened reality.
@misswired Yeah, but also our ephemera. The pop music and cars and nightmares and brands and mundanity that describes our time.
@misswired @thelastressort I don’t think it’s the plots. I think it’s the characters, the small towns, the way we talk, the things we fear.
RT @imdominating: SO MUCH AWESOME RT @NathanFillion: Twitter meltdown. @feliciaday, @edgarwright, Tony Head, and @simonpegg in Joss’ hou …
@lemon_lime No, we just waited 6 weeks til all the annoying children had seen it and the theater was mostly empty.