Race prep power food: Epic Steak Sarnie w/ cheesy mushrooms, fried potatoes, & beetroot salad (from Mr Oliver). http://t.co/gAlLJ7KY
I think I’ll pop ’round the corner and check out my new local fabric store, Fabric Muse! (I love that.)
Fabric Muse is cute! Small but eclectic range aims to inspire. Some genuine designer fabrics too. Proprietor is friendly fash design student
Sample of Fabric Muse’s range, including Burberry and Chanel: http://t.co/47CXZY0E http://t.co/b0J6fCPx http://t.co/r70km2iQ
Thanks for the well wishes everybody! Heading to bed now. @knitabulous – will look for you at the back of C group! LET’S BE AWESOME.
4:30. I’m up. Let’s do this.
Before the race! (Just proving I haven’t list my iPhone. Yet.) http://t.co/LMKr9a35
My slowest HM ever due to heat and cramping. Fun to run with Snookums tho!!
@knitabulous We are under a tree near baggage pickup…
I saw a giant photo of me and @randomknits at 16km! Nearly fell over laughing. Thanks Donna!! 🙂
We are the champions my friends… Way to go @knitabulous! http://t.co/mxXi9Ny6