Shared today on Twitter

@drkknits @kunaal84 Don’t give him ideas! (He doesn’t have a window, so he uses mine.)

@crumpet Went to Rose St Markets in Melbs & looked at iPad cover. Dude says w/ sincerity: “And there’s a custom pocket for your Moleskine!”

@ozgamer The Snook and I totally love that show. And then we argue over which one of us is more Sheldon.

@janiematts Welcome back!

@drkknits I was cooking, so Rodd procured. Him: “I think I mixed bundy & bacardi white, on account of not having any golden rum on hand.”

@drkknits @kunaal84 If I have told you once, I have told you a thousand times. I’m very Important on the Internets. 😛

Today’s tights: Electric Blue. I feel very Jem & the Holograms.

@witty_knitter Awesome!

@toastman I can’t believe I went to your office and you weren’t even there!

@toastman Meet-n-greet with “Claire”?! Just the usual yada yada, we are awesome, hire us please spiel. 🙂

Jamie’s 30 Min Meals #30: Steak Sarnie, Crispy New Potatoes, Cheesy Mushrooms, Beetroot Salad. Finished in 29:44!

Prepping to go talk to 3rd graders about Roald Dahl tomorrow. I get more nervous about talking to them than I do with important clients!

RT @nolim1t: Instagram 2.0 is here! Better image processing, filters, etc! Grab it from the App Store! #sydney #sydneycommunit http://t. …