I think maybe @dooce explained why I’ve been off lately. The September blues explains a lot… http://t.co/QkQ9w43H
SELF: Wallowing in emo music isn’t going to make you feel any better. Time to put on some Lenny Kravitz and kick this mood in the nuts.
Gurgle Worthington will HAUNT MY DREAMS. http://t.co/ZLf6TF2n
@drkknits @kunaal84 I actually saw BS do Caesar on my 1st trip to Sydney in 2001! I think I’ll pass on this one.
@Opheli8 Dr Amy’s favourite trick is to hide ours beneath her fluffy butt.
@gilmae And yet I’m allowed to donate and willing, and my stupid veins are letting me down. Fail all around.
RT @rainnwilson: Steven Malkmus of Pavement on REM. #RipREM http://ow.ly/6HCtz
@mrs_sockvictim I hear you. Are you still doing the sock club?
At Toby’s Broadway, the coffee degustation comes with an iPad loaded with tasting notes. #hipsterheaven http://t.co/CMxtpBD0