@crumpet I graduated with nearly $50K in debt from a US college. And that was with lots of scholarships. I was “lucky.”
RT @ScottRhodie: Got an iPhone/iPad? When typing in a web address if you hold down the .com button it will bring up a list of other opti …
@AusVintageGrrl Ooh, thanks. I’ve mostly given up on cupcakes though. They just haven’t gotten eaten when I’ve tried at previous parties! 🙁
@imdominating I’ve seen a few like that. I like the idea, except for my firm conviction that I’d be zombie fodder within 10 min. #slowpoke
@traveller0112 Haha, thanks. Amazing what a little lippie and some Bollywood jewelry can do! 🙂
At work late, left my wallet, couldn’t get back in office, couldn’t get to our floor, starving- ARGH! Thanks to @venks79 for rescuing me…
Frocktober #6. Another Gap skirt, fuchsia tights. http://t.co/rJe34tFk
@knitabulous Super jealous!
Hipster specs with a knitted finish. I am not kidding. Wankiest thing ever. http://t.co/ruYVE8tS
@zephyrama Darling, we’ve had people with pet goats in Chippo for years. Really. It’s practically passé now! http://t.co/Bcxektum
@MoneyWell Had a weird issue where iPhone app wouldn’t accept Dropbox password when pasted, but did when I typed exact same password. Weird.
Sore throat, fever, headache. Going back to bed…