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In case any of you are still looking for Halloween costumes: “Sexy Inflammatory Email” is my fave.

Frocktober #12. Hipster with a robot skirt and guitar. @ Westfield Towers

@voicework I wanted to in school, but the music teacher said my hands were too small. I wish my dad had told get to get stuffed!

@taradefrancisco Damn. I miss Old Navy. Decent cheap clothes just don’t exist here! Hence I always take empty suitcase to US to fill up.

Every day the office cleaner moves my waste basket a little farther away. I don’t mind. I just pretend I’m playing Bozo’s Grand Prize Game.

@theadrianflores I’m disappointed because my first thought was that it was a MONKEY WOLF, some sort of scary awesome hybrid. Too bad.

@jannism WHAT?! But Swinton is a fabulous androgynous fashion alien from the future! How can you not like that?

@jannism Granted, I never hear her speak. I just see her in fashion mags, where she looks like an alien. She may well be super annoying.

@jannism Nope.