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@drkknits Where’s your conference? You free for lunch? @kunaal84 and I could meet up with you in the park or something…

@drkknits It’s a bit of a hike. We’re in Westfield building on William St. I was thinking of popping into DJ’s tho to look for US candy! 🙂

@drkknits Yes, I will definitely pop in! Can’t stay to knit, but I will visit. 🙂

Wanted to make Nutter Butter Ghosts for Halloween, but can’t find Nutter Butters ANYWHERE. All the US food importers are sold out. 🙁

@lemon_lime Are you okay? Hope it went well!

@sthcrft It’s not just the taste; the shape makes them look like ghosts when you coat them. Homemade would be tasty but wrong shape.

@sthcrft Given that I don’t have a peanut shaped cookie cutter, I mean.

@randomknits I have that problem. We solved it many years ago by just going to a fancy dinner instead. Win-win.

@benjamin_payne Nope. They exist, and they’re wonderful. *sigh* But Australians’ aversion to peanut butter based snacks is my undoing.

@sthcrft I know. It was just the cleverness (and laziness) of these that appealed to me:

Frocktober #13. Peach dress, Chuck Taylors, levitation. @ Hyde Park

@kunaal84 In America, with ALL THE OTHER STUFF THAT MAKES YOU FAT. 😛

@mrs_sockvictim I was just opening that to see if there were any changes…

Interesting! Separate class for socks, and lace now combined into one (no more stupid plant/animal distinction). #EasterShow2012

Ooh, JACQUARD class? Hey, I think that introduced that just for Zena’s cardy with the birds! #EasterShow2012

@mrs_sockvictim It’s a whole separate category. I’m about to do a Rav post on it.

@drkknits @knitdra SHHHHH! TOP SECRET!

@drkknits What the-? She only smooched two boys in her whole damn life!

@drkknits What what? Did we not have the Women’s Movement?! TELL JANE I AM GOING TO WEAR A GODDAMN MINI TOMORROW IN HER HONOR.

@gilmae @drkknits I’ll confess that’s the voice I heard in my brain when I wrote it.

@Ezzles Sure… But only if she’s awesome! 🙂

@drkknits No. *Somebody* sent me an SMS my steak would be cold if I didn’t hurry home. So I hurried. 🙂

This has been the fastest week ever. Seriously. It can’t be nearly Friday. Did we skip some days? Feels so short. Right, @venks79?

RT @tammybutow: This is the greatest hair of all time <3 having blue hair was fun. // That’s AWESOME.

RT @AmeliaBurton: I feel very lucky to live in Sydney today. She is looking like a sparkling bedazzled jewel. TGIF!!

@Opheli8 Yay! I’m going to OCCUPY YOUR BIRTHDAY too. (The best movements are the ones that involve pork belly baklava.)

@drkknits The next Red Hat Linux release is codenamed “Beefy Miracle.” @lemon_lime suggested they should’ve called it Skarsgard instead. 🙂