Amazingly gorgeous day for a run. AND we ran past Russell Crowe! Too bad I was the only one who recognised him.
@rachievaichie My friend @rajsingh2505 ran with me BAREFOOT! Now that’s crazy. 🙂
Frocktober #14. The Diner Dress. (I am the Cindy Sherman of the office now.)
@drkknits YOU WANNA SEE?
@traveller0112 I had two co-workers ask for French fries first thing this morning. 🙂
RT @digg: 50%+ of women are attracted to other women // Is this why all my Tweeps flirt with me? (cc @witty_knitter)
Just successfully blog-stalked @grabyourfork at the Abercrombie Hotel. At last we meet! 🙂
@toastman @witty_knitter Oh, I was talking’ about the ladies. I’m Very Big with the Internet Lesbians. Mutual adoration society. 🙂
From the Snook: “Halloween came early at Establishment. A lot of women going with the standard “slutty X” theme. But they forgot the X.”
@randomknits Awww! I don’t want it to be a stressor! It’s not a big deal, really.
@gusseting Ha! I admit I am weakening in the face of a couple offers. Not nuffnang though. Never nuffnang.
WHAT THE HELL. Just realised that the Run4Fun is the weekend I’m away in Victoria. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN.