@heathergracious Thanks! Yeah, $4 is the cheapest I’ve seen. Might have to just suck it up at this point… 🙂
@randomknits @gilmae TOTES. YOU MUST DO IT. Also, video footage on YouTube may be required as proof. 🙂
@witty_knitter Yes. I should write a blog post. Bad acoustics + thick French accent made it very difficult to understand anything!
@witty_knitter But we got to try a “Japanese Stone” from Sepia, which was fantastic. And see how they’re made. http://t.co/DFC3MuM5
I have a familiar. When I look over my shoulder, I see this and giggle. http://t.co/aFYCJ54J
Frocktober #18. My new Mad Men dress. http://t.co/7axZNsFr
@zephyrama That’s the one! I need some retro-appropriate shape wear though. I am sucking everything in today! (I have cardy for warmth.)
@RachaelElswyk Apple Pie Fashions on King St in Newtown. Lovely shop, and it was on sale! All nice retro-style dresses.
@RachaelElswyk Aw, thanks! It seems I do look best in fitted vintage stuff. Far cry from my usual jeans and ironic t-shirt!
@witty_knitter @knitterjp Interesting. Rodd and I have both had a subset of those symptoms this week too…
@witty_knitter I had a day off last week to rest up. Rodd’s had two off this week. Sleepy lethargy is the worst part for me!
Starting to get a little worried about having enough chairs on Saturday. Anybody have some extras they can loan us?