What the hell! Just discovered that one of my blog posts had 20K+ hits from stumbleupon yesterday. Wowzers!!
@Leirith Unfortunately I had nothing to do with it. Post wasn’t even original content – just an embedded YouTube video! Oh well.
@witty_knitter The random YouTube embed of the video about tying scarves. Not even my content!
Just got presale Dresdon Doll tickets for Sydney! Thanks @knitterjp for hooking us up. 🙂
@KathrynElliott If he’s anything like my brother or my nephew, an iTunes gift card is appreciated.
@KathrynElliott Nah, they use ’em to buy apps and games for their iPod Touch. Lego is good too though!
@brown_note A random YouTube video I found of a woman tying a scarf 25 different ways. Weird, huh?
Anybody knitting at M&S to tonight? @knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim @AusVintageGrrl
@brown_note It was such a recent post, I didn’t even have ads on it! Oh well. (Ads only show on archives. Might have to fix that now.)
Evaporated milk procured. Oh yes, pumpkin pie will be happening tonight!
Welcome to Marlboro country. #movember #swoon http://t.co/RWUcOa5Y
@witty_knitter You don’t know the nagging, wheedling, and cajoling that is happening here. I AM GIVING IT MY BEST.
@witty_knitter He’s over $200! I am yelling at him now! THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN, SNOOK. #snookneedstotweet
The Stumbleupon firehose is still going. Close to 40K blog visits in two days. Nuts. Just for an embedded YouTube video!
My friend Fei is leaving our company tomorrow, so I baked him a pumpkin pie. (And one for Snook.) http://t.co/eorPVyat
@amandapalmer Some of us are both! I’m like a Reese’s Cup: Hey! You got some Australian in my American! (Got tix today for Syd show!)
@drkknits Nobody’s awake yet, weirdo! Why are you buying doily patterns at the butt crack of dawn?
Hahaha… Just got quote from accountant for some US tax stuff. It’s DOUBLE the high end of what I was considering paying. They’re dreaming.
Ugh. Pregnancy test is not how I planned to start my Friday. (NO, don’t get excited. Doc is making me as prereq for getting a shot.)
It was negative. Told you not to get excited.
Snook thinks I should’ve put my hair in big rollers for the proper effect. #dolly http://t.co/VrMd0ikv
Pumpkin Pie seemed to be a big hit today!