Pinking shears are super fun.
Crafty Christmas coming up! @drkknits @knitdra @Yarna_ @knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim
On our way to @dothedip for dinner. Highly anticipated… hope it lives up to my expectations!
Best hotdog I’ve had in 10 years in Australia. (@ The Dip (Good God))
@DoTheDip Seriously, best hotdog this expat has had in 10 years of living in Australia. PB&J dessert was great too!
@eileenDCoE I actually said to @the_snook that we’ll take you there next time you’re in Sydney. ๐
@gilmae My antibiotics were based on the assumption it was strep throat, since my first symptom was sore throat. Bronchitis came later. ๐
@knitterjp @drkknits @yarna_ @mrs_sockvictim @randomknits Are we wrapping these up? Or just bringing them as is?
@mrs_sockvictim @knitterjp @drkknits @yarna_ @randomknits OK be prepared. However bad Dr K thinks her ornament is, my wrapping is WORSE.
Okay, all frocked up. Bring on sparkly vampires and deep-seated pregnancy-related body horrors.
Sparkly vampire pr0n. (@ eVent Cinemas)