@dancingman Hm. Hey @the_snook – you remember who moved ours in?
RT @the_snook: Whose language was what now? http://t.co/YoW51ssB
@hexsteph Back to the Future, definitely.
@Soma377 You liked this, didn’t you? http://t.co/h9aPGNXT I have a vague memory of watching it once.
@miss_reecie I am in a carb shame spiral.
@miss_reecie Audiobook? Interesting. Who reads it? Might have to borrow 3rd one from you, since I didn’t finish it…
BOOYAKASHA. The Rhiannon monkey is off my back. That messed up cable setup row? Is now my bitch. (Sometimes knitting is violent…)
@randomknits We generally do. One year we did a DJ’s gift card. Other years I have done treats (Christmas cookies, box of chocs, etc).
@randomknits Shite, good thing you reminded me! Need to get something by next Monday…
@blakkat @stamf AWESOME. So glad you liked it. (I was trying to convince @the_snook to go as Boba Fett to Y! Xmas party last week.)
OH wow. Boston Rob QUILT. http://t.co/TO92TnYK (Paging @drkknits and @knitterjp…)
@mrs_sockvictim Oh, but your’e going to do something horrible with it, aren’t you? Like bake in a car or drown it in a drain?