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@bellsknits You are nuts. Trashy mags are the BEST PART of the hairdresser! That’s my judging-trashy-celebrities time! 🙂

F**k yeah, Sandy Cohen.

@witty_knitter Awww, thanks M-H. I’m gonna be just fine. Nearly on hols… just a few hours more! 🙂

Santa brought me a nice box of chocolates! @ MobileActive

For this Yank, the wearing of silly hats at Christmas parties is still a novelty. @ Puntino Trattoria

Morris & Sons knitters: we still on? Grace Bar seems closed. Does it open at 5? @knitterjp @Yarna_

@knitterjp @Yarna_ @knitdra It’s open now and I’m here!

@imdominating Yay! Toasty woollen socks are the best on a cold night.

I am truly grateful for the co-workers that said they’d miss me but also wished me well. Even though I’ve still got 2weeks left. 🙂

@stufromoz Gave notice yesterday. Starting at on Jan 23. Same role (BA). 🙂

Hey @mrs_sockvictim! Some festive knitters want to know if you’re turning up…

@mrs_sockvictim Ah, we figured something had gone wrong. You were missed!