On hold with @auspost waiting to see if anybody found my drivers license at Strawberry Hills. Crossing my fingers…
Nope. Nothing. Really annoyed at @auspost worker who managed to lose it in 30 seconds. Going to cost me to replace. ๐
@Soma377 Eh. I’m kinda mostly over Dahl now. The site makes a tidy little income, but I don’t have the energy to devote to it/him anymore.
Pub knitting time! I need a burger and a beer, like NOW.
@indefensible That’s double my record. What the hell did you actually buy??
Had a lovely nana nap on the couch to sleep off the midday beers. *yawn* That was nice.
@GeorgieKnits Zucchini bread! Best ever. My recipe is here: http://t.co/stHMJ2ZM
On our way to Marrickville to see @neilhimself’s show. A little culture to balance out all the beer and cricket of the last 3 days…
It’s all geeks in Threadless t-shirts, as far as the eye can see. Just heard some girl squeal: “I got his AUTOGRAPH in my MOLESKINE!”
RT @laimelde: Coaxed myself to Neil’s show… But have already run into one person I know, so, things might improve. // That was ME!
It’s events like this that make me realise I’m kind of a self-hating geek.
Ahhhh, so this is where all the Android users are. More than I’ve seen in the wild before. Must be a goth thing.
@randomknits Wish you were here too! Some of these people are freakin’ me out.
Waves at @laimelde from row M….
RT @neilhimself: Fourplay doing their version of the Doctor Who theme always makes me happy and goose-flesh prickly at the same time.
Seriously, that was like the string quarter equivalent of “Sabotage.” Fourplay rock HARD.
@madradish I don’t know their stuff well enough to confirm! But it was pretty damn epic.
@madradish Wait! According to @laimelde , that’s exactly what it was. ๐
Says @the_snook: “These events always make me want to go home and shave and cut my hair.”
Neil Gaiman doing a reading with Fourplay backing him up. Pretty thrilling. http://t.co/uMsD1tKD
Snook: “Asphincter says MEOWWWW?” Petey: “Meow!” @the_snook falls over laughing. “Exactly.”