It was such a good party… but this hangover is EVIL. Self, just because you *can* play Flip Cup, doesn’t mean you *should*.
@wen1965 Ask @mrs_sockvictim. She knitted her wedding dress out of it. IIRC, it grew a LOT.
@mrs_sockvictim I had planned for a run, but bugger than. I’ll do it tomorrow. 🙂
This is about the time I started drinking last night. Shouldn’t there be some sort of time limit on hangovers?
Jamie’s Cauliflower Mac&Cheese. ZOMG. Hangover cure!! This is what my belly wanted ALL DAY.
@jonbergan It’ll go up on my blog shortly. I’ve got a slight backlog; need to catch up. 🙂
And now dessert: Stewed Fruit and Ice Cream. Ahhhhh…
@eileenDCoE Welcome back!!
Huh. Snook just noticed I have a massive bruise on the back of my arm. Unexplained Drinking Injury, I suspect. Least I know why it hurt now.
@imdominating Dolly showed a preview at her concert and then did a (painful) RAP about Queen Latifah and her boobs. *shudder*
@witty_knitter Heh. Just google “Flickr mosaic”, silly M-H! 🙂