Dear Rotary Cutter: You are THE BEST and I don’t know why I never realised it before.
@jrgibson1 Wow. I’m not involved in this fight at all, but you’ve definitely made a disappointing impression. I’m unfollowing.
My two “nonesuch” blocks for @ocherdraco’s January Design for the MeFi quilting group are done!
I’ve decided to destash some books over on Rav: All good stuff; none of my daggy 80’s intarsia books, I promise!
@drkknits I need hipster panniers for my bicycle, actually. 😛
@drkknits Panniers on which I may, in fact, PUT A BIRD.
Sassy Nostalgia Corner: Christina Kelly Reunites With Sassy Cover Girl, Mayim Bialik // I had that issue!
Matthew McConaughey Discusses The Reincarnation Of Dazed And Confused‘s Wooderson // cc @carbolicious!
Got up at 6am to go for a run. Made it 800m before knee started hurting. And then the rain POURED. I walked home, drenched. That sucked.
MONDAY: YOU SUCK. #surprisepuddle