@DDsD Ha, no. Reminds me of a roommate I had once that claimed he’d been in music biz for 28 years. He was 28. “BECAUSE HE LOVED IT, MAN!”
New jobs always inspire new hair! (@ Travis George Hair Lounge) http://t.co/CwQxSWdc
Evened out the colour, trimmed the layers, side-swept fringe. #suchahipster http://t.co/DOZpYwOE
@Yarna_ @alyshajane @bellsknits Thanks!
@drkknits It’s because my hairdresser is a Pom. I feel all posh and Anglophile after spending a couple hours with her. ๐
@bron2042 I just may take you up on that suggestion. Thanks!
@stufromoz New office is full of trendy people with Macs. I need to look hipper. ๐
@stufromoz Definitely the Opera in the Domain. Haven’t booked any others yet, but would like to!
@randomknits @drkknits Ooh, sleek and smart! Lovely.
@bron2042 DONE!
@randomknits @handmethepanda @drkknits Mine was 2.5 hours… and $200+. It’s my one indulgence.
Last day at Mobile Embrace. What a difference three years makes! http://t.co/seTbVuDu
@eileenDCoE I really need to come to Melbs some January. I’d love to see the tennis!
@jannism Dude, it’s a cakewalk! Go for it. ๐
@drkknits About 9 months before that. I left there in early 2008!
@eileenDCoE Secret: it’s mostly in the blow-dry, which means it will never look that good again. ๐
@bellsknits Bah. There ARE knitting police. We just don’t have official badges or power to fine crappy knitters – except IN OUR HEADS. ๐
@drkknits @witty_knitter @redambition The MetaFilter discussion has interesting debate, context and additional links: http://t.co/hPt5H4Ws
@redambition @drkknits @witty_knitter Oh, that happens all the time. You haven’t lived til you’ve seen Bob Dole talking erectile dysfunction
@redambition @drkknits @witty_knitter It looks to have been scrubbed from the internet, but there are loads of references if you google.