Lunch today: Cranberry-walnut chicken salad.
My 10th Oscar Contest is LIVE! You can win the Monkey with the Dragon Tattoo. Yes, really. She’s even got a Macbook.
Also, Lisbeth Salander Monkey is my first Not Safe for Work Monkey. You have been warned.
@mrs_sockvictim I fixed it! 🙂
@Justacogitating @johnserba I was tempted. Just that I haven’t seen it yet. I know the jacket is iconic. My clothes sewing isnt great tho!
@DeirdreJG They take way too much work. I’d have to charge $200+ to make it worth doing. So not really!
RT @chrisgander: The great @web_goddess runs a comp every year for the Oscars. You should enter Can you guess who’ …
@mrs_sockvictim Ooh, pink! Other one didn’t work out??
@gilmae It’s when you get tackled in your own end zone. Earns the opponent 2 points.