The Shameless Acquisition of Stuff

Hooray! Our Amazon package finally came today. The Snook and I had amassed quite a large gift certificate total (courtesy of Christmas gifts, commissions from my Dahl site, and payment for Harry Potter scarves) so we splurged like the happy little Sims that we are. We added the Buffy Season 4 & 5 DVDs to our collection, along with The Office Season 1, Baz Luhrman’s production of La Boheme, and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. (I stage managed a production of that last one in college and I absolutely love the movie.) We also picked up two Indian cookbooks and four Calvin & Hobbes collections. It’s been ages since we bought any new books or movies so we’re just in consumer bliss right now. This should keep us busy for a week or two. (Incidentally, should any of you wish to contribute to our further acquisition of stuff, we have a wish list. Oh, and my birthday’s in a month.)

Like I said, shameless.