@the_snook I don’t know. They’re so SQUEAKY. When did kids get so squeaky? They, like, hurt my ears. #grump
@witty_knitter @the_snook Huh. No, I could hear them pretty darn well! (It’s low frequencies like Snook’s voice that I have trouble with.)
@witty_knitter @drkknits I like how it has GAG right in the middle. It’s like the sound my brain makes when I’m sitting there.
@venks79 Hahaha… But dropping buzzwords like that is the foundation for my entire career! 😛
@handmethepanda I do! I am a numbering freak.
@Linda_Moore I saw one on FB for librarians!
RT @wired: Game of Thrones Valentines Slay Hearts http://t.co/XBLwNGkk // Attention @drkknits @kunaal84
If I rode my bike, I would’ve been at work 20 minutes ago. Instead I’ll be sitting on George St for another 30. I hate you, Sydney Buses.
@BendalongMorgan Because I have an injured knee, and walking the 5K yesterday didn’t help it. Bus is my only option right now.