@mrs_sockvictim @knitabulous Eep. I did one spin class 10 years ago, and it nearly killed me. Never again.
@drkknits You ate too many carbs on the weekend. Round 2 of carb flu! (We’re having it too.)
@witty_knitter @drkknits That definitely doesn’t help. But detoxing from sugar and starch is a very common source of tiredness & crankiness.
Australia has some weird-ass chickens. http://t.co/LSKRr2Wf
@witty_knitter Just because there haven’t been a lot of studies, doesn’t mean it’s not true. Some evidence: http://t.co/ZHYkTgGS
I stand corrected on the chickens. Apparently silkies aren’t specific to Australia. They have weird-ass chickens everywhere.
@witty_knitter Yes. Did you miss the part where you linked to some and discussed their shortcomings?
@web_goddess Rather, where he linked to some.
@witty_knitter You’re not being scientific, you’re being passive-aggressive! We’re not talking homeopathy here. I’ve done the reading.
@witty_knitter The guy sells a book, not a meal plan. How about this one? http://t.co/6pN7nhPd Lots of studies on carbs and mood.
@witty_knitter Ahh, well good thing @drkknits and I aren’t trying to persuade you to join us then. 🙂
@witty_knitter I think you are seeing this as a “Someone is wrong on the internet” situation, but it’s cool. I know the args for & against.