Shared today on Twitter

Ate a tiny bit of birthday cake out of social obligation. It was awesome. Now counting down til the sugar crash…

@witty_knitter YOU’VE AWAKENED THE BEAST! (The last time I mentioned the s-word in a tweet, I got followed a lot of Those People. *shudder*)

@chrisgander So wait, are you inviting current employees too? Then you should add @kunaal84 and @rajsingh2505. 🙂

@chrisgander Oh wait, it’s on the 16th? I don’t think I can make it then. That’s my birthday weekend…

@chrisgander We’re definitely going out Saturday night. But may end up doing something Friday too. I’ve put “maybe” for now.

@Kat13v @witty_knitter The day I make a living by selling $14 novelty hole punches is the day I jump off the Harbour Bridge.

I discovered it *is* possible to eat #paleo at Pancakes on the Rocks.

@heathergracious Ooh. I am very, very tempted.

@heathergracious Guy next to me had those. They looked good too!

RT @jezfletcher: It’s David Foster Wallace’s birthday. I’m celebrating it the traditional way by not having finished reading Infinite Jest.

These damn socks just aren’t growing. #neverending #knitting

@kcarruthers I switched to Telstra from Optus & I’m very happy. Asked them to match old Optus plan and they gave me unadvertised deal!

Planning to bake cookies for my coworkers tomorrow. On a related note, somewhere in India @kunaal84 is weeping…

@drkknits Aren’t you supposed to be doing something with dogs?

RT @Colgo: Chief of staff just pointed out the ballot is on at the same time as the Oscars #kevenge // EEP! MY OSCAR CONTEST!