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Closing the Oscar Contest entries… just about now!

@miftik Sweet, thanks.

RT @redambition: My dreams of winning the sock monkey with the dragon tattoo are shattered. I just can’t pick Oscar winners.

Some upsets so far! Currently a 12-way tie for first place…

@miftik Ooh. @imdominating counted 39. Verdict?

The scores on my Oscar contest are going nuts! Some big upsets here. Fingers crossed for a lady winner for the first time in ages…

Congrats to Jennifer Mullowney, the big winner out of 374 entries in my Oscar contest!

@redambition Holy shit, Issy! You came DEAD LAST. Rodd thinks I should give you a special wooden spoon award. 🙂

Trying to explain to the Snook why bungee-cording the cat carrier to my bike isn’t a good way to get Petey to his vet appointment Saturday.

RT @Richard_Florida: “Walmart threatens the town R.E.M. made famous” – Will Doig in @Salon –

Sometimes Mondays DEMAND four glasses of cheap red wine.

I kid myself that I’m the Penny, but let’s be honest. I’m the Amy Farrah Fowler.

@gilmae Oh, I’m totally THAT Penny. That was actually one of our Halloween ideas.

@mikerussell_ It was from a cask. *hangs head in shame*

RT @yokoono: When you say “I love you” to the one you love, know that you are not only saying it to your love, but to our planet and the …

@imdominating Jealous. The thought of pulling a box of those from the fridge on this hot day… #drool

@cdeagle Awww, I love Yoko. Don’t be a hater. 🙂