Shared today on Twitter

I am perpetually amused by how most of the Knitters Guild think A) the Internet is evil and B) somehow its all my fault.

Hey UOTO. Incoming!!

@andrewsayer Oh, fun! I just proposed to @the_snook on the bus. He looked up from Reddit long enough to say yes. 🙂

@drkknits @KnitGuildNSW According to my calendar, 11am.

@gilmae I think she has a new underwear line there. Target US has been featuring a lot of designer stuff. It’s less daggy than here.

RT @wheelyweb: Some nice ways to get your bike out of the way when you’re not using it.

@stufromoz @andrewsayer @the_snook It’s less exciting when you’re already married. But it’s still nice to reconfirm. 🙂

@merrinmez Hi Merrin. I can’t see anything attributed to you that you didn’t post. You did “retweet” a post though? Is that what you mean?

@merrinmez Retweeting is re-posting something someone else said. There’s a button with arrows on it. Perhaps you clicked it accidentally?

@gilmae Frankly, the whole burlesque thing jumped the shark a long time ago, if you ask me. Target is very much the demographic these days.

RT @the_snook I love the smell of Subway sandwiches. // Illustrating a point.

@the_snook I had fun trying to think up something to make you say. 🙂

@Kat13v Ha, I’d have to disagree with you to care about that one. 😛

@amandapalmer I introduced myself to my Aussie office as a “Hoosier.” They think it’s hilarious. They can’t even say it properly.