@witty_knitter @twelveeyes @Alacaeriel @redambition There’s only so much room in immediate hand distance, & there’s already gears/brakes.
@witty_knitter @twelveeyes @Alacaeriel @redambition Now I’m envisioning some sort of head-controlled air horn. I like this.
Phone call from @auspost. No one at Strawberry Hills office will admit to posting the license to me. IT JUST APPEARED, OUT OF THIN AIR.
And since no one at @auspost will own up to returning it, they aren’t going to pay for replacing it. Pretty much as I expected.
I did have fun filling out @auspost’s Customer Service Survey yesterday though. Too bad they didn’t have negative numbers on some questions.
Behold the magical license, not sent by @auspost despite their stamp being only mark! http://t.co/eoplnois http://t.co/Vmoe6phd
@witty_knitter Option 3: Get on a bike and do some swooping of your own. ๐
I’ll stop poking @auspost now. Their Twitter person has been the only helpful customer rep in this whole ordeal. I’m over it, really.
@witty_knitter But the more bikes we have in traffic, the less terrifying it is for everybody! That’s my reasoning. Screw shared paths.
Ugh. They take Reader OUT of the Google nav menu and put in a link to “Play”?! UGH. Why can’t I customise that?
@auspost It’s okay, really. I honestly never expected to get the money back. I just wish there had been an explanation!
Condom or Android? I’ll admit I giggled. http://t.co/irVLvmy2 (cc @drkknits @venks79)
@drkknits @venks79 @gilmae There’s only iPhone, iPad, iMac. Everything else was just a knockoff of the brilliant branding. ๐
@crumpet SodaStream? We swap ours at Kmart.
Getting my knee looked at. This could be painful. (@ The Sports Clinic) http://t.co/bLp2DrRc