No bad day can withstand Boney M. #russiasgreatestlovemachine
RT @Sitback: Looking for a front end developer. Hit up if this is you or you know someone! // Or let me know!
@drkknits Eek! I was virtuous. Work gave me an Easter Egg, and I gifted it to the girl at the Chinese grocery near my house.
@drkknits Totally agree. Primal dispensation granted! Work that 80-20 rule. ๐
@imdominating Ugh. I am getting PEEP-ROLLED all over the place this Easter.
RT @TelegraphFood: James Bond: 10 facts about 007 and drink // cc @the_snook
@bezthomas Nice, thanks. @the_snook Is the big Bond fan – has read all the books.
RT @bonappetit: We chatted w @KarenLeBillon about her book & 10 rules for raising healthy, happy, un-picky eaters # …
All the Millers Point buses this morning were full, no doubt with people only going as far as Town Hall. GAHHH. I miss my bike.
Feeling superhero-ish, like a grown-up Hit Girl.
@ambrosiamonkey Oh, it’s fine! But I promised my physio I wouldn’t ride til the tendonitis in my right quad is better. ๐
@drkknits OH! There’s a scarf around the dummy that Zena’s cardigan is on. In thumbnail, it looked like the mannequin’s boob was hanging out
@drkknits I wouldn’t think you did it deliberately! It could’ve slipped. Or crazy spinner lady could have done it to DISCREDIT US!