RT @Y7News: Only 4% of Aus women view having a baby as a top priority, below family, friends and relationships. http://t.co/lflIn3WP // Yup
Just made guacamole stuffed cherry tomatoes for knitters party today. 🙂 #paleo #virtuous
@drkknits HOLY CRAP. (I’m just hemming my dress right now, so I’ll probably be a little late…)
I finished my dress! Very, very pleased with it. http://t.co/MHIxWs0l
@Yarna_ The neverending scarf? Hooray! It looks beautiful.
@drkknits Heya – did some of this Pear Tree fall out of the bag? I’ve only got 7 skeins…
@drkknits I think this is enough to do what I want. I was just confused because your label said 9!
@drkknits Excellent. Sure, would be good for safety just to make sure I’ve got enough!
@drkknits I’m thinking… Catriona. It’s been on my list for ages. http://t.co/pK1KECAr
@drkknits And for the Mad Tosh, I’m thinking Kernel… possibly even WITH BEADS. WTF. WHO AM I?! http://t.co/AgC5GePZ
@mrs_sockvictim @drkknits But as I said to Rodd just now – NO TRIANGLE SHAWLETTES, AS GOD IS MY WITNESS.
@drkknits Freezer. Save for later. Be strong!
@carriekalia Thanks! Actually still a little big as a sundress, but good if I want to wear a shirt under it, I think.