@AusVintageGrrl @knitabulous Thanks, I’ve seen those linked on some running blogs. Too bad I’m not much of a runner these days!
Three workmen jammed into the kitchen. Chaos.
@imdominating That show is starting here soon. Should I watch?
@RoseRed_Shoes None of these guys would be in that movie. Trust me.
@RoseRed_Shoes @zephyrama Count me in as surprised as well.
Benchtop man says the 2 week estimate from Harvey Norman was wildly optimistic. SONOFA–
.@dailylifeau has an incredibly stupid article about #paleo today: http://t.co/9qHepWJo. It appears @StephieAWood1 didn’t do much research.
@knitterjp Oh, just that it’s going to take longer than that. No set date. Something vague about the public holiday making things tricky.
Two weeks. Write it down. That’s officially how long it took me to be fully OVER this whole renovation thing. Never again, I swear. #fedup
RT @bazarazzi: Final tally on the House of Reps #marriageequality survey: 276,437 total, 64.0% support @AdamBandt’s bill, 36.0% oppose.
@witty_knitter Even if it hadn’t been delayed, I’m still over it. I can’t deal with chaos and dust and being out of control. I’m stressed.
And the final insult on my shit of a day? Google have finally forced the new GMail theme upon me and taken away the option to switch back.
@creativemercury I’ve had my own domain name for a decade. It’s not a technical limitation. Just annoyed.
RT @venks79: Back from holidays and raring to find my next big challenge! // You should hired Venks to be your CTO. Trust me!
Silver lining to today’s clouds: got confirmation that one of my best friends is joining the team at @sitback in a few weeks!