In their first – and let’s be honest, probably last – public appearance: my prize-winning Rhiannon socks!
I almost accidentally sat at the judges’ table. Horrors.
@monnsqueak They’re a bit impractical, and I don’t think they’ll wear super well. (100% wool.)
Let the grilling of the Easter Show judges commence!
“Well, are you talking ‘traditional’ or ‘authentic’?” Like a red rag to a bull…
Well, probably not *red*, because it wouldn’t show up the stitches well enough.
@redambition Platitudes & hot air (to me, anyway). My takeaway is that you should knit everything in cream to make easier for them to see.
@witty_knitter TBH, other people seem to have gotten more out of it. My view seems to be uncommon.
Basically, just confirmed that the things I value in knitting are not the things judges value. Not a big surprise there.
@drkknits You are evolving. I mostly remain a spiteful, snarky thing in my heart of hearts. I know your way is better.
@mudsurfer That’s pretty much been my strategy. I’m not going to change what I’m doing to suit some outdated idea of what is “appropriate.”
@randomknits @witty_knitter Unwritten rules: must do short rows and three-needle cast off on shoulders. Must use steeks in fairisle.
@witty_knitter They actually said if you cast off in traditional stairstep fashion and sew with back stitch, you will not get a ribbon.
Interesting to learn that brewing judges have actual path. There’s a judging certificate. It’s not just waiting for special tap on shoulder.
@witty_knitter In KGNSW, the path is: do certificates & enter shows and if you’re good, we might notice you. That was literally the answer.
@SallyPompom @witty_knitter Not a reflection on IC organisers or excellent facilitating by @knitdra, of course!
RT @TelegraphFood: Egg breakfast ‘could help you lose weight’
RT @Grantland33: Community continues to not be cancelled, by @amosbarshad // HOORAY! (cc @kunaal84 @the_snook)