Looking forward to this event on Thursday and learning more about the capabilities of Drupal! http://t.co/MR8uaR9y
They can pry my red tights off my cold, dead legs! Right, ladies? http://t.co/1bCTmRG1
HOLY CRAP. Hello Kitty Liberty Tana Lawn. http://t.co/5PSYGoww @randomknits – are you guys getting this? WANT.
@twelveeyes Beyond covet? So far I made a top out of it. @randomknits has made a whole dress, I believe…
@randomknits @twelveeyes Bloody hell. $33/yd in the US. Hm. I wonder if Mom can get her hands on some before she comes to visit…
@miss_reecie It’s okay! I fell for it too. Did they get your password, or was it an app that did it?
Haha – just got an offer to buy the damn IKEA chair… from someone in Texas. “Where’s Sydney?” she asks. “Can you ship?” Whoops.
@GeorgieKnits Woohoo! This movement is gonna take off, I can feel it.
Oh dear. I think @SandraHW is hacked too!
@drkknits @mrs_sockvictim @witty_knitter @SandraHW I clicked the link from Reecie and signed in, but changed my pass almost immediately.
@redambition @miss_reecie @SandraHW @witty_knitter Yep. Don’t click the link, or if you do (and log in), change your password.
Blue tights, motorcycle boots, and homemade shirt. Hells yeah. #colouredtightsprotest http://t.co/zvm7XuGt