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All up, we were 6 weeks and 2 days without a working kitchen. Original HN salesman said it would be “three weeks.” *sigh*

@Alacaeriel Nice! Damn, that’s so much faster than ours. I’m impressed…

@Alacaeriel Washing up in bathroom. Paleo diet no problem; meat & veg easy to cook w/ hot plate and microwave!

Well, shit. Only big burner on induction cooktop works. Sparky has wired it up wrong. But @dancingman got it right before!

@dancingman !! That would be fantastic. And if it’s the electrician’s stuff-up, we can bill him for you. Happy to cook you dinner too!!

@dancingman You free at all on the weekend? We can work around your schedule…

Sorry coworkers – no cookies tomorrow. Spent the whole night moving fridge, cleaning, and unpacking kitchen. Monday I promise!

@knitness Because mine would be better!! 🙂

@chewxy Yeah, it’s a thing I do. Want to thank them for being flexible during the renovation. 🙂

Interesting. This morning all induction burners are back to working. Can’t reproduce failure. Maybe overheating? It’s a mystery.

RT @mpesce: .@Jason asks “What Now… Yahoo?” // cc @the_snook

Taking a four-month old to a hatted restaurant and then bitching? No sympathy from me. Get a babysitter. You are the problem.

@redambition On the Herald. Claiming restaurant told them to leave. Only seats left were at the bar! What idiots.