@TheBACoach It was philosophical. I was arguing that UX for a new project should not be dictated by capabilities of dev’s framework.
@TheBACoach They were taking pragmatic (but lazy) approach to not waste time designing things that are too difficult to achieve.
Planning trip to Southern Highlands to check out proposed camp venues. Any last minute suggestions of great conference venues there?
@that_alison Heh. Considering it’s the knitters guild and not an actual corporate, budget is on the lower side. But thank you!
@twelveeyes Hm. I’m not experienced enough to know! I mostly use cheap fabric right now since I’m still learning anyway.
@twelveeyes Other than a Liberty top, don’t think I’ve spent more than $30 on any project. My muslins are normal fabric – just cheap!
@twelveeyes That sounds pretty good! None of the things I’ve made have used more than 3 meters, I think.
Approaching total burnout. Juggling 5 work projects (6th starting Tuesday), Guild stuff, kitchen stuff, no exercise, stomach hurts, BLEURGH!
RT @idsharman: Overheard: SHIT I CAN’T MAKE UP: Convo between my 7year-old students today – (Names have been altered… http://t.co/2zyk6hRQ
“…Most patterns are written to be knit flat & sewn together afterwards. This is because most publishers think you’re an idiot.” Too harsh?
@drkknits “This is mostly because pattern makers think you’re an idiot.” Better?
@drkknits My Guild leaflets are very colloquial and shit. Obviously. (cc @RoseRed_Shoes, since her name’s goin’ on this too…)
@janiematts Good point. I’ll put that in. (You’re coming to Guild tomorrow, right?)
@janiematts Yep, 11am!
@RoseRed_Shoes Hm. Not what I meant! Just that they think you find two dimensions easier than three.
@RoseRed_Shoes But why do you think *most* patterns are written that way? Not for portability.
@RoseRed_Shoes How about: “This is because most pattern publishers think knitters are scared of circular needles. (Also, they’re lazy.)”
@mrs_sockvictim @rosered_shoes Interesting. It’s called “piecework” for a reason, isn’t it? Because you were paid by the piece?
@web_goddess OR! “This is because most pattern publishers think you’re not very clever. (Also, they’re lazy.)” So no calling people idiots.
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes I am tempted to leave it in and let Jane object on the day. GOOD COP BAD COP KNITTERS!
@RoseRed_Shoes Mostly because I’m trying in my Hermione way to make a leaflet that will be educational AND entertaining. Perhaps too much.
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits I take it that means you’ll also object to my statement “Sewing things together sucks.” ?
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes The provocativeness of my leaflet writing is directly proportional to my alcohol intake. Just to clarify.
@RoseRed_Shoes Okay. Boring and non-confrontational it is. No offense to anyone given. 🙁
@witty_knitter Leaflet for Guild Topic on Saturday. It was a misguided attempt to be humorous and folksy.
I didn’t say that you should never knit flat! Or that people who knit flat are stupid! Gahhhhh. Writer fail.
@steven_noble Oh dear god, is it credited to me? Sounds like something I wrote in uni. 🙂
Crossed like 14 things off my To Do list but it’s never enough. (But @drkknits? 100cm exactly. Suck it.)
Seven work emails while I was moaning about pointless Guild stuff. Is it the 3-day weekend yet?
@jannism I will never not laugh at those. That always crack me up.
RT @pamelafox: I decided that everytime I’m asked to speak at a conference, I’ll also suggest a few other speakers… that happen to be …
@devvyleys It’s good to hear you’re back – in all the ways!