Ridiculously over-styled for a Knitters Guild meeting. I blame @1funkyknitwit. http://t.co/nbysaYfU
It begins. http://t.co/xgsOdx7o
First coat on chalkboard wall is complete! That is one giant, matte, light-sucking black wall… http://t.co/wshaCFmI
@Alacaeriel Pretty much!
@chrishodgkins I think you’ve been hacked. You just sent me a dodgy DM.
Did some embroidery tonight. Feeling like quite the Renaissance woman! http://t.co/BwRnd3Kn
@redambition Still a long way to go! Adding some embellishment to a t-shirt/memory quilt I’m making. 🙂
@redambition Understandable. You have had a shocker run lately. Hope things get calm and restful and healthy for you!
@handmethepanda The Starks are incredibly stupid. Arya is the only one with any sense, and even she does dumb shit.