@chrisgander None of the above. 🙂
@johnallsopp Thanks. It’s not a tech book; related a niche topic I have a website on. Advice welcome if you have time! Pls DM your address.
@Lindsey___Smith Hello! Just realised you were the Lindsey who emailed me this morning. Very intrigued by your email!
@laimelde @janiematts Thanks, ladies! I’ve got a couple leads to investigate now. 🙂
@tammybutow @cool_your_jets Congratulations!!
Successful first test of the chalkboard wall! #hipsters http://t.co/akkAUA1v
The artist at work. (Okay, I now totally love the chalkboard wall.) http://t.co/m8mxZME1
RT @Rellarc79: “@stephwit: And this, friends, is why punctuation is important: http://t.co/BiSVzHQp” via @Petronella
RT @old_sound: “The guys at the hipster store don’t tell you fixes don’t stop. So I will. Fixies don’t stop. Stop sign? Fixie don’t care.”
@tinkabel Ooh. I would. But just depends. I have crap eyes and I sit in front of a computer all day, so better resolution worth it to me.