@chrisgander Yeah, it’s frustrating. Haven’t been to Spudds in months! I’ve got from lots of training to very little.
Accidentally listened to a One Direction song – and damn, that’s catchy. Okay, if I were 11yo, I can see where I’d be ALL OVER THAT.
@drkknits As long as he’s not, like, sending you pictures of his junk. As the kids say. 😛
@imdominating I am loving this. Feel free to recommend more pop songs in the same vein. 🙂
Rainbow lorikeets on our balcony today! @ Sitback Solutions http://t.co/opEet1HT
Who’s at the Drupal User Group? @kunaal84 and I may be a few minutes late…
Going to developer-focused events is a great way to remind myself why I’m not a developer anymore.
My kitchen asploded in schmoopy tonight. @ Moorgate St, Chippendale http://t.co/YZFIN2lW
@imdominating Actually not for us! My co-worker Kiel is marrying his girlfriend Renee. 🙂
Friday morning fueled by sugar cookies and One Direction. I’m kind of 13.