Heh. @drkknits just publicly named @knitterjp’s baby in the Knitters Guild minutes. THERE’S NO BACKING OUT NOW. 😛
@knitterjp @drkknits Oh, me you and little LINUS SEVEN know it!
@drkknits @knitterjp Jack is so ridiculously overused right now. What is this, 1997? I guarantee there will be like 5 Jacks in his kindy.
@knitterjp @drkknits Unfortunately we agreed that boy children would be Snooks, and “Seven Snook” sounds ridiculous. Hence I bequeath you 7!
@drkknits @knitterjp Jack Clark? What is he, a comic book character? Also sounds like chicken clucking,& you know how I feel about chickens.
@drkknits @knitterjp No, I just like naming things. I have lots of cat names that I will never use too. 😛
@knitterjp @drkknits @the_snook No, the Seven is just from Seinfeld. The older I get, the more I identify with George Costanza.
RT @lif_au: Google Maps Adds Cycling Routes In Australia – http://t.co/yk6PpTC2 // Excellent! (cc @shanea)
Broke out the Cheesylove vest today. One of first garments I knitted! http://t.co/IJtByPCe
@Ezzles I feel your pain. I loved being red, but not the maintenance and red pillowcases and red hats. 🙁
@imdominating @Lackadazy Take pics, the pair of you! I am still getting conversational mileage here from last year’s Khal Drogo!
@aaronistic @brandnetworks Ah, but something tells me I probably wouldn’t get waffle-y goodness if I telecommuted from Sydney. 🙁
@jasony Ooh, thanks for the tip! Will install this today.
@Opheli8 Oddly, I liked Tara a lot more in past 1-2 eps than I ever have. She just needs to stop whinging and take up with fangbanger Hoyt.