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WTF. Random dudes get to escape sitting next to kids on planes, but I get stuck with it because I’m a woman? #indignant

I agree 100% that the airline policy is sexist. I’m just annoyed at assumption that my boobs mean I’d have to sit with random children.

@drkknits Hahaha. I have to say, the airline would be better off picking a random dude to watch unaccompanied kids than you or me!

@drkknits “Children! Aunty Kris has a special vitamin for you to take. Please ignore that it says BENADRYL on the side. Now GO TO SLEEP.”

@gilmae I’m just jealous that it’s harder for me to claim sexism too because of the assumption that woman = always happy to babysit. 🙂

@henrytapia Of course. Like I said, completely agree that policy is dumb & sexist. Just amused they think kids would be better next to me.

@drstip @redambition Hahaha. Obviously the solution is a sort of creche section of plane. Then we can all sit in the back and drink wine!

@sharre I can’t think of much worse than being bedridden in a room full of random kids! I don’t think DVDs would compensate in my case.

@sharre So why wouldn’t they put in a man in there, if he’s totally separated from the kids anyway?

@sharre If you say you “understand” it, then you are tacitly agreeing with it. All men are not pedophiles. Profiling is demeaning!

@sharre Most kids are molested by people known to them. So is that justification for separating families? By their logic, it should be!

@blakkat Nice! Apparently @the_snook is being anti-social and doing his hack stuff at his desk. #y7hack

I appreciate @chrisgander’s attempt to help me combat The Stupid, but I think we lost this round. *sigh*

@chrisgander We lost defending the importance of space exploration. How does the world end? Not with a bang but with a “blah blah blah…”

Anybody want to buy my old iSight? @nolim1t?

@Ezzles Massive hugs. And I’d bring ice cream if it weren’t so effing cold. Stupid dicky boys. 🙁

Thinking of piking on Knit Guild tomorrow in favour of the Marriage Equality march at Town Hall…

@knitdra Droool! That looks amazing!

RT @Y7News: A black-spotted lamb is turning heads after being adopted by a Dalmation. // Paging @eileenDCoE!!

@cdeagle Airline says men can’t sit by unaccompanied kids. I resent that, as a woman, they think I’m any better. (Not a big fan of kids.)

@toastman Haven’t run in 6 months. Tendonitis. It sucks. No C2S for us this year.

RT @bittman: Guns, Butter and Then Some

@taradefrancisco Wait, is it the ex I know? Because if so, I am way out of the loop!

@drkknits @knitdra @mrs_sockvictim Please give my apologies today. Got other stuffs to do. Hope to see you all soon though!

@taradefrancisco Holy shit, that’s awesome! Please tell Crawdaddy congrats from me & Snook. And if anybody is sending group flowers, I’m in.

@taradefrancisco She & PW girls sent gift basket to me & Snook on our nuptials. AC’s name got hilariously mangled (as “enemy”) by hotel.

@taradefrancisco I was like, WTF? We got a present from Liz, Kel, and Enemy?!

@drkknits I was gonna say that looks nicely Paleo til I saw the big LOAF OF BREAD on the side. 😛

@mrs_sockvictim @drkknits @knitdra Damn! Of course, I probably won’t need it for 6 months now. Take it to Sewjourn 2.0!

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This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.