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Need to find a house/cat-sitter over Christmas. Anybody available? (cc @knitness @Ezzles @redambition)

@SallyPompom Visiting the family: couple days in LA, lots of time in Indiana, a few days in Hawaii on the way back…

@dancingman Oh, that would be lovely! I’ll email you the details.

Just sent @welovecolors my first complaint email. My new pair of lavender tights got a hole on the first wearing. ๐Ÿ™

@redambition @knitness @Ezzles I think it’s been sorted… @dancingman was quick on the ball! But thank you anyway, ladies. ๐Ÿ™‚

@drkknits Doesn’t exist, because pictures of feet without shoes are an ABOMINATION. That’s what sock blockers are for. ๐Ÿ™‚

@drkknits I already saw them. I suspected there would be feet, but I braved it for you. ๐Ÿ™‚

Only one more week to go on lunchtime walks with @the_snook before he starts his awesome new job way far away from his missus. ๐Ÿ™

@toastman @the_snook Heh. The best news. He’s going to Google. ๐Ÿ™‚

@toastman Ha. @illdrinn already knew. I randomly mentioned it to her last week on Twitter. (He made me keep it quiet for a while.)

@Illdrinn @toastman @the_snook Not til Monday week.

@richbuggy I believe it’s a Technical Support Engineer role, basically supporting big clients & internal systems, etc. Something like that.

@NickDeverell Ooh, where are you headed?

@Ezzles Awesome; will let you know if things change. Just going to the US for Christmas to visit the rest of the family!

RT @TheEconomist: One study suggests … alcoholic drinks makes workers more likely to come up with innovative ideas http:/ … CC @sitback

RT @TheEconomist: One study suggests that a couple of alcoholic drinks makes workers more likely to come up with innovative ideas http:/ …

What the f*ck has NASA done for you lately? More than you think.

RT @D_Nye_Griffiths: “Girlfriend Mode”, Borderlands 2, And Why Being A Dude Rocks // This is why I don’t play these.

@phoebegoh Iโ€™d rather play/spend $ on games by women or at least that donโ€™t assume Iโ€™m a clueless noob. Know any like that?

@phoebegoh Iโ€™ve had Portal recommended to me several times as one Iโ€™d like. Just trying to avoid mashing-buttons-to-kill-people gamesโ€ฆ

@gilmae At least you are troubleshooting your missusโ€™s server issues without complaint! *glares at @the_snook*

@welovecolors It’s OK Nia already emailed this morning to offer replacement. Such great service – thank you so much! Will tell everyone. ๐Ÿ™‚

Very happy with great customer service from @welovecolors. Replacement tights being sent! Three cheers for coloured tights!

@drkknits I’m wearing black ones today, but I’ve still got new navy and charcoal from @welovecolors to try out. Let’s do it!

@randomknits You look like a BALLERINA!