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@randomknits @drkknits Vintage dress and black tights from @welovecolors.

@witty_knitter Very interesting…!

Drupal users: what is the criteria for something being marked “New” in Find Content? No one can tell me, and I can’t find it anywhere.

Finally finished Once Upon a Time season one. The ending felt like a letdown, but damn, I love that the girls got to kick ass with swords!

@witty_knitter @drkknits WHOA! So sparkly! You look like you’re from the future.

Self-made skirt from @ColettePatterns and navy tights from @welovecolors. #colouredtightsday

@ColettePatterns Unfortunately somebody told me the stripes and curves make it look like an awning, so that’s all I see now. *sigh*

@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Huh. See, I got the charcoal but can’t figure out what to wear them with.