Google Maps with public transport directions friggin’ ROCKS. Searching was always so painful. This is much better!
On my way to #IIBA “User Story Development” event. Anybody else going?
I hate coming to these work things by myself. I blame @rajsingh2505 for abandoning me all the time. 😛
This #IIBA talk is unexpectedly depressing. I see the value of Agile. I also see all the impediments that keep us from adopting it. *sigh*
@handmethepanda Especially when your clients are all external and they all want fixed pricing! Just don’t see how it could work for us.
@handmethepanda So is there a middle ground? How do I avoid writing 150 page docs that clients demand for sign off but nobody reads?
@gilmae @handmethepanda Today discovered dev wasted a week coding thing all wrong. It’s on p5 of spec. We discussed in a meeting. Gahhhh.
@gilmae @handmethepanda How do I keep that from happening? Not sure if it’s methodology at fault, but it’s hard not to feel responsible.
@handmethepanda @gilmae I agree. The “meeting” was detailed spec review. So I feel mostly happy chalking it up to dev sloppiness.
@gilmae @handmethepanda I @knitterjp That’s my big takeaway. Ask for demos. Don’t trust that devs know req unless they can explain it back.
@knitterjp @handmethepanda @gilmae Going to sign off and have dinner. Thanks for discussion! Lots to think about. 🙂
This is the quilt that made me cry. Blog post coming soon…
@gilmae Yes. I read it years ago and really liked it. I’d lend you mine but I gifted it to @eileenDCoE, I think. I should buy it again too.
Get ready to cry, @witty_knitter. The quilt post is now up. (I’m sobbing myself, too.)
@kunaal84 Congrats! Now do I get to ride an elephant in the wedding? 🙂
Bus driver is piping classical music through speakers. I think it’s a waltz. Suddenly my morning commute feels like a funny movie montage.
@creativemercury Oh, I’m not complaining! It’s actually quite charming.