Mad props to @the_snook, who is being all Manly Smurf and getting the garden sorted out during his vacation days. PHWOAR.
Just chipped in to @knitness’s @pozible project Femme Locale You should too!
OH at work: “Samsung have opened a new store by the Apple Store!” “What does it look like?” “Just like the Apple Store.” “Of course.”
@that_alison They charge a LOT for Threadless though?! I always order direct from them…
RT @GGDSydney: September GGD Meetup registrations open! Come join us 🙂 // Booked in! Thanks @Atlassian for hosting!
I am really liking this whole “having a house-husband” thing. A girl could get used to this…
@aimee_maree @vk5fj @fabpot My Mom wrote AS400 code in the 90’s – and got me my first web dev job!
DEAR GOD. New Samsung store has disturbing spuikers on George St dressed in blue all-over body stockings, like the Greendale Human Being.
@knitness Not in my house! Love a beard. As Flashheart says, gives me something to HANG ON TO! WOOF!
@devvyleys It looked like it was fully over their whole head, from what I could see from the bus!
RT @tinybuddha: “Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.” ~Robert H. Schuller
@knitdra A better person than me would commiserate. But as you have guessed, HERMIONE IS LAUGHING! #karma