@ReverseGarbage We’ve still got all of it! Would love to give it to you guys. You can email me at kris.howard at gmail to work out details.
@ReverseGarbage Husband Rodd just replied to you on Gumtree, I believe! 🙂
@twelveeyes Hey, I went #nostockings too! Maybe we can start a new trend…
@Illdrinn Snook’s coming to Mtn View for a couple weeks next month. Will he get in trouble if he puts WoW on his Goog laptop? 🙂
@imdominating Can I get one and pick it up in December? 🙂
@imdominating I can PayPal you if you like. Just let me know!
@Illdrinn Yep, he’s in there. Rodd Snook. Don’t think he knew about the internal WoW group!
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @knitterjp @randomknits I was always partial to Prairie Dawn…
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @knitterjp @randomknits Prairie Dawn is pretty much the Muppet Hermione, now that you mention it…
Introduction time at #ggdsyd. Lots of newbies tonight – including @gadgetgirl70!
Very happy to see more BA’s represented at tonight’s #ggdsyd!
Listening to @jocranford talk about test-driven development at #ggdsyd…
I’ve only worked at one place that mandated a certain % of test code coverage. Unfortunately we were using Joomla, so… massive fail. #ggdsyd
This is why I love #ggdsyd: the slide illustrating paid programming shows two women coders. 🙂
@unlikelylibrary @gadgetgirl70 What?! When did you change Twitter names?!
Gahhh. That should’ve been PAIR programming. #ggdsyd
Accessibility benefits everyone. I *hate* watching online video. I want transcripts! Fast readers unite! #ggdsyd
Marriage is: both of you doing a double-take at the same thing at the same time, knowing exactly what the other is thinking. #psychicsnook
@sarahtp @pyko So why do so few sites provide them? I think it’s because pre-roll ads are so valuable. Deliberately user-hostile. #ggdsyd
RT @pyko: Huge turn out for #ggdsyd! http://t.co/cmUnJXxp // That’s MAH HEAD in the lower-right! (Note to self: get roots done.)
@chrispytweets @sarahtp @pyko Tell it to the SMH and their giant page takeover ads and auto-playing videos. 🙁
@amyecroft Great to meet you tonight! Librarians named Amy are some of the best. 🙂
@caitlinmoran This is why you’re my hero. KA-POW!
@mikeefreedom I’m glad somebody’s in a good mood. Just steer clear of us grouchy insomniacs. 🙁
@mikeefreedom I will in a bit. Right now I’m mainlining carbs.
Insomnia is evil. It’s like The Game. As soon as you think about it, you’ve lost. *yawn*