It’s Running Festival weekend, and I can’t even walk. Knee still hurts, and I just rolled my damn ankle walking home. Going to cry now.
@randomknits Limping home through crowds of hoochie-mamas on stilettos in Darling Harbour didn’t help. Felt like a lame, sweaty troll.
@drkknits Poor thing. Similar straits here. Could not feel sorrier for myself if I was on fire. Let’s agree to try to cheer up tomorrow.
RICEW: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, Wine.
@witty_knitter I rolled this one about 3 times last year. Had hoped it was all better. Very frustrating.
@witty_knitter This one goes back all the way to high school, really. Lasting legacy of my aborted tennis career.
@AusVintageGrrl Well, I know @thisismywww, so I’m a 3. Maybe closer; my BIL @carbocommander is in Movie Biz. Or maybe thru @mrs_sockvictim?