Had a lovely weekend with @drkknits as a houseguest, but now I’m officially a Single Crazy Cat Lady for the next fortnight.
Thinking about trying to find a BA mentor in Sydney. How do you make that connection? Anybody got suggestions? (cc @brown_note)
@knitterjp @brown_note I haven’t – not familiar with that! What is it?
@drkknits Can you look for some tailor’s chalk for me? Either triangles or rectangles, I don’t care. http://t.co/rWgPdy2z
@drkknits @randomknits @RoseRed_Shoes That looks almost exactly like my Janome. I almost wonder if it’s a rebadge?
@drkknits @randomknits @RoseRed_Shoes Ahhh, not quite. Mine has three knobs at top: http://t.co/a8SLem0k
RT @redambition: I really, really want this sewing machine. It’s gorgeous! http://t.co/v83BIacc // ME TOO! Saw it last week. (cc @drkknits)
@zephyrama @redambition Really? Not metal? Crud.
@drkknits Are you manic? PACE YOURSELF, WOMAN! 😛
@richbuggy That’s not actually true, by the way. http://t.co/ynSg0oUR
@SassieQ Damn! Too bad @the_snook is overseas for a few weeks. He would’ve been perfect for you. 🙂
@richbuggy The easy solution to that problem is not putting anything there you would care if others see, really.
@richbuggy Ahhh, I just block all that @zynga shit. Never see any of them nowadays. NO, I WILL NOT SEND YOU A GODDAMN COW.
It’s 9:30pm on a Tuesday, and the whole project team is online and working. I do like my team.
@drkknits You need a cat or two to sleep on your head. That warms you right up.
Uh, just read “Member Behaviour” section of latest Knitters Guild Convenors Letter. WTF. Now I’m intrigued…
@RoseRed_Shoes People badmouthing the Guild Exec? Bitching about new processes? Putting off new members? Really weird.
Survived my first night alone at home. (Well, alone with two cats.)
They’re taking the window coverings down off Sydney’s first Topshop. How excitement.
Frocktober #2. http://t.co/DJhxItN0