@drkknits I saw that link and expected it to be an actual work-out-if-you-want-kids thing. Instead it’s just effing stupid.
I really, really need to make myself a HIPSTER DEER DRESS, right? Universe, you need to enable that. http://t.co/uTqSDYS8
BIRDS on BALLS, people. BALLS! http://t.co/bfJFtq3J (cc @RoseRed_Shoes, @drkknits)
@randomknits Yeah, I shortened mine quite a bit too!
@lemon_lime @drkknits My uterus clenches every time Mitt Romney mentions women. Does that count? (cc @imdominating @Justacogitating)
@drkknits @lemon_lime I don’t mine the peanut butter part so much, given that at my house it’s me who’s smearing it.
@redambition Sewing is the new zombies/owls/fedoras/bunting. You will be assimilated.
@randomknits LOVE IT. So impressed with how you used the border print! It’s stunning.
I’m actually really upset that @_Shuffs_ squished a zookeeper. I’m sure he didn’t mean it. Poor lady zookeeper, and poor Mr Shuffles!
RT @AusVintageGrrl: @redambition Wait, sewing is now a hipster thing? #FML 😉 // Only if you refer to your garments as “artisanal”.
@drkknits Oh no.
@AusVintageGrrl Oh, sweet, thanks! Let me know next time you’re heading over to Broadway and I’ll come meet you. 🙂
@drkknits Oh no. Oh no. I’m so sorry…
RT @manaboutnewtown: Interesting read on the topic of cyclists running red lights via http://t.co/DizAdbMC // I smugly obey red lights.
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits Or an ice cold Mars bar, maybe?
Beers with @eileendcoe! (@ Pumphouse Bar & Restaurant) http://t.co/Lrx4upXI
@drkknits @redambition Yes, mine beeps to say it’s turning off. It’s fucking annoying when you’re sewing. I got it at Kmart, IIRC.
RT @brittanieshey: ERMAHGERD! http://t.co/uCWPaROc // Some great last minute Halloween costume ideas there!!
@handmethepanda what? I thought they were going gangbusters?
Great night having dinner and hanging out with @eileenDCoE and her Melbs buddies…
Breakfast with @eileendcoe! (@ Toby’s Estate) [pic]: http://t.co/qiKhqmqC