ND Alumnae Get Married

Yay! According to Nora, two girls from Notre Dame (from Lyons Hall, to be exact) got married in San Francisco last week. I met one of them a couple times and I’m just so happy for them.


3 responses to “ND Alumnae Get Married”

  1. yasmin

    Don’t know who they are, though I’m better at faces than names. Still, that’s great news.

  2. Kel

    Oh, that’s awesome! crawf went to watterson w/ molly o shag, so i met her a bunch! she and suzana are great! that’s soooo cool!

  3. Nora

    Oh, good. I was wondering if you’d see that. I was going to e-mail you, but then I wasn’t sure if you knew Shaggy. Isn’t it fantastic?