Shared today on Twitter

@redambition Can you move it? That was always my Mom’s test. If you can move it, it ain’t broken. (I have no idea if that’s accurate.)

Who needs a laugh? (cc @imdominating, @drkknits, @knitdra)


Romney = tool. No shit voters want health care & college loan forgiveness. EVERYBODY wants that (except super rich).

RT @codepo8: Bacon Scarf… What? // Whoa. Thought it’d be crochet version, but it’s not! LOVE IT.

@kateslemay Awwww, super cute!

@BartholomewD They gave a demo at @Sitback few weeks back. A few signed up and seem to like it!

The Hazards of Growing Up Painlessly // This is fascinating.

@randomknits Totally agree. Also, Vegas is SUPER FUN.

@redambition @knitness @randomknits You might be surprised. My Gran told me secretly she was relieved to avoid the travel expense.

@redambition @knitness @randomknits Granted, for us somebody was always going to get screwed on travel. So it made more sense for us.

@redambition @randomknits @knitness You’re a grown-ass woman! Do what YOU want!

@redambition @randomknits @knitness *shrug* Only if you let her.

@knitness @redambition @randomknits Apparently average wedding cost in Oz closer to $50K. Was in SMH the other day. My brain fell out.

RT @JohnSeaborn: Ohhh, this. Thisthisthisthisthis. // More childish behaviour from Mitt supporters.

Workin’ the rare and elusive double-topknot on a rainy day. (cc toastman)

Wait, what? @instagram now strips out the @ sign when posting to Twitter? That sucks.

@mudsurfer According to my co-worker, in real life it looks more like Chun-Li from Street Fighter.

@drkknits @randomknits GROSSSSSSSS

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.